A new hydrogen plant at Langstranda is on schedule

The planning proposal for a hydrogen plant at Langstranda have been processed without comments. This is an important step to be able to enter into hydrogen contracts and realise a hydrogen plant in Bodø.

The administration in Bodø municipality has considered the planning proposal for a new hydrogen plant at Langstranda and concluded that the proposal has taken into account feedback from the start-up phase, the necessary reports are done, and that the proposal is so well prepared that it can be sent for public audit and submitted for consultation. On Saturday [DATE?], the final planning proposal was sent out.

Espen Lied, project director at GreenH, is satisfied with the progress and that the planning proposal receives good feedback from the municipality.
“We have worked for nearly two years to develop this plant and site in Bodø. It means so much for us that the municipality describes the planning proposal as thorough and comprehensive. The plant will supply hydrogen for different uses that many people and companies will depend upon, and the security of supply will be extremely important. Without confidence in the implementation plan, it is not possible to enter into contracts to supply hydrogen, and we have therefore done everything we can to ensure the project is as well prepared as possible,” said Lied.

The administration in Bodø municipality has thoroughly gone through the planning proposal that was prepared by Norconsult, and has not found any problems. The planning proposal has been presented and discussed at a technical meeting with the urban development department, and the planning map was reviewed by planning control.

“It is unusual for the municipality to receive a planning proposal that does not need one or more rounds of feedback and comments before it can be submitted for consultation. In this plan, everything that the municipality requires and expects has been included, and the municipality has not found any issues that need improvement before the consultation,” said Annelise Bolland, head of urban development.

After almost 9 months of studies and regulatory work, GreenH’s planned hydrogen plant at Langstranda is moving towards a new phase. The goal is to finish the political handling of the plan in the city council before the summer.

“I want to praise Bodø municipality as a facilitator and planning authority. We work on industrial sites in several places along the Norwegian coast, and I must say that in Bodø we experience a very strong combination of professionalism, flexibility, and initiative. This is a town that wants to become a hub for hydrogen,” said Lied.

Thorough analysis

In addition to the fundamental studies such as ground condition and the infrastructure on and to the site, GreenH has gone into detail in its design and analysis.

“In collaboration with the grid company Arva, we have carried out a technical and socio-economic study on the supply of the necessary power to Langstranda. We have also carried out analyses of wave and wind conditions at the location, and modelled vessel movements during bunkering. This way, we can be sure that a ship or ferry can be refuelled even in bad weather,” said Lied.

Safety at the plant and its surroundings has been addressed in several discussions in cooperation with the company Gexcon.

“We considered many locations before we decided on Langstranda, and have used nearly a year just for studies related to the safety of the plant. There was a lot of existing infrastructure in the Bodø area that made it difficult to place a hydrogen plant, but we are completely confident that Langstranda meets the very strict safety standards we operate with in hydrogen production,” said Lied.

Positive industrial neighbours

Other industrial groups that are based in Langstranda are positive to the plans. Finn Olsen Rederi [Finn Olsen Shipping?] was going to buy the docks at Langstranda in 1993, but also ended up with a 8000m2 building known as the “Seabird building”. Today, Vegar Olsen occupies the building and develops the property on behalf of his family.

“We have a strong desire to develop industry in Langstranda and thus think the setting up of GreenH’s hydrogen plant is very positive as well as the synergies it will have for the area,” said Olsen.

Tore Mosand at Nordland Betong [Nordland Concrete?] also sees many advantages with setting up a hydrogen plant at Langstranda. He also says that Nordland Betong already has a good collaboration with GreenH.

“We experience GreenH as both thorough and professional, and see many possible synergies with the setting up of a hydrogen plant in Langstranda. Both the existing and the planned industries in Langstranda will play an important role in the development of a new Bodø. Here, there will be surplus heat, infrastructure and green energy, and not least more industrial jobs, which Bodø will need a lot of in the coming years,” said Mosand. [ASSUME it’s him]

An important step towards setting up a plant in Bodø

This is an important step on the way to realising a hydrogen plant in Bodø. Setting up a hydrogen plant is a complex process for which thorough studies and official approvals are necessary. Without having coming a long way in this process, we could not have entered into contracts where you commit to a start-up date, said Lied.

The plant involves an investment of more than half a billion Norwegian crowns, and GreenH estimates that it will lead to 20-30 new jobs in Bodø.
The location at Langstanda is unique in terms of creating value. There are future hydrogen users here just beyond the boundaries of the plant, as well as synergies in connection with district heating, airport, and smart urban development. GreenH received 5.9 million crowns in support from the Pilot-E programme to examine solutions for such synergies.

Contact us

GreenH establishes the production and sale of hydrogen at several locations in Norway. If you are interested in hearing more about us and some of our projects, please get in touch.